2022 Spring NWTF Conservation Seed Interest Survey
/The NWTF Conservation Surplus Seed Program is an annual offering coordinated by NWTF Headquarters that secures seeds directly from manufacturers at minimal cost to cover transportation and handling to be made available to our membership. The seed must be planted for wildlife/conservation purposes and harvesting or use for agricultural purposes or financial gain is strictly prohibited and a crime. Participants must sign a binding agreement that offerings will be planted solely to benefit wildlife. Nothing is definite with availability until offered to the NWTF by the manufacturers, but historical, Round-up Ready Corn, Grain Sorghum, Soybeans and Winter Wheat have been available for participating states.
The Virginia State Chapter, now in the second year of participation of the program, plans to offer conservation surplus seed at minimal expense to NWTF members. This program is different from our Seed Subsidy program. Conservation Surplus Seed must be obtained by the pallet, half truck load or full truck load (depending on the seed type) by the VA State Chapter. State Chapter organizers have identified several pickup locations conveniently located across VA where local chapters/members would coordinate to pick-up their seed once payment for the associated fees are received.
At this time we are unsure what seeds will be available, but to be proactive we are gauging interest in seed types by members with this form. We will definitely know availability with enough time to secure seed for the onset of Spring 2022 planting times. Please answer the questions below by checking the appropriate box beside seed offering and hit submit to record your interest.
PLEASE SHARE THIS FORM WITH ALL MEMBERS THAT MAY HAVE INTEREST IN SEED!!! You can also encourage non-members to join the NWTF to take advantage of the Conservation Surplus Seed Program.
You’ll find the form HERE
QUESTIONS? Contact: Cully McCurdy, District Biologist at 304-642-4762 or email Cully
or Tim Burton at 540-484-3041 or email Tim
Best Regards and Thanks!
VANWTF Seed Team