2023 Virginia State Call Makers Contest
/2023 Call Makers Contest will be held at our NWTF Virginia State Leadership Weekend January 13, 2023! Please download the Rules, Registration and contact information here.
Read More2023 Call Makers Contest will be held at our NWTF Virginia State Leadership Weekend January 13, 2023! Please download the Rules, Registration and contact information here.
Read MoreThanks to everyone who supported our 2022 Lucky 13 Sportsmen Raffle. Our promise was to add one gun for every 350 tickets sold after we sold 3500. Selling 5600 tickets, we were able to add six new firearms! Congratulations to our 19 winners!
Read Morethe Virginia State Chapter NWTF will hold the 2022 Virginia State Turkey Calling Championship on Sat. Sept. 10th. You’ll find all of the info below.
Read MoreThe VA State Chapter of the NWTF has requested a tractor trailer load of Winter Wheat to be made available to our membership. Although delivery is not guaranteed at this time, we must make the request in advance to be ready when seed becomes available from the seed manufacturer.
Read MoreNWTF Regional Biologist, Cully McCurdy, presented this recap at our Lexington board meeting of habitat work NWTF has administered on National Forest lands in Virginia. Here’s a 10-year recap and an overview of projects completed since July 2021. Your VA DWR and NWTF dollars at work. These annual Superfund totals do not include work administered on DWR Wildlife Management Areas. Read the National Forest Report.
Hot off the presses, read our Spring 2022 Newsletter. We have some great things going on in Virginia.
Hey youngsters! How’d you like win some great cash prizes?
Read MoreThe NWTF Conservation Surplus Seed Program is an annual offering coordinated by NWTF Headquarters that secures seeds directly from manufacturers at minimal cost to cover transportation and handling to be made available to our membership. The seed must be planted for wildlife/conservation purposes and harvesting or use for agricultural purposes or financial gain is strictly prohibited and a crime. Participants must sign a binding agreement that offerings will be planted solely to benefit wildlife. Nothing is definite with availability until offered to the NWTF by the manufacturers, but historical, Round-up Ready Corn, Grain Sorghum, Soybeans and Winter Wheat have been available for participating states.
Read MoreVA NWTF License Plate! Get yours now!
We are soooo close, but need you help! We have 35 completed applications in hand, and need just 100 more Virginia drivers to commit to help. The Virginia State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation would like to introduce their new license plate! Applications are being accepted right now! There is no cost to you, unless you want to personalize or transfer your existing license plate for an additional $10. Be one of the first 450 paid applications received and have a chance on a Henry Lever Action Silver Boy .22 caliber!
Read MoreEach year the Virginia State Chapter NWTF JAKES program host their Essay Contest. Youngsters submit a brief essay on a hunting or outdoor adventure for a chance to win cash prizes. Here are the winners for this year’s contest.
Read MoreIt’s time once again for all Call Makers to enter your calls into our Virginia State Chapter Call Makers Competition. The basis for this competition is to determine each call’s stand-alone merit of how well it performs in the hands of a hunter.
Read MoreOnce again, the Virginia State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation is offering seed products to their adult members at a discount through its State Subsidy Program.
Read MoreOur Summer 2021 Newsletter is out and you can read it all right here! We have some exciting things going on that you won’t want to miss: Fall Conservation Seed program, Wheelin’ Sportsmen events, and all sorts of things for our young JAKES members!
In fiscal year 2020-21 our NWTF Regional Biologist, Cully McCurdy, administered VaDWR stamp funds on the following projects.
Read MoreSamuel Reed Kirk, a member of the Botetourt Longbeards Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, was chosen as the 2021 recipient of the Virginia State Chapter NWTF scholarship.
Reed will be graduating from Blacksburg High School in May with a 4.05 GPA.
Read MoreCan’t attend a banquet but still want to support your state and local NWTF chapter? Renew your membership or join and get a $25 Bass Pro gift card by clicking here: https://your.nwtf.org/membership_drive/
Read MoreWe are excited to be able to launch this invaluable program as part of our everlasting mission, our dedication to the conservation of the wild turkey and the preservation of our hunting heritage.
Below you will find a link to click on to order seed electronically. We will be offering Round-Up Ready Corn, Round-up Ready Soybeans and Grain Sorghum (milo) for order. Winter Wheat will be offered later in the season due to being a primarily fall crop.
There is much important information in the form regarding the program, so please read the form carefully and complete accurately at your earliest convenience. THE DEADLINE FOR ORDERING IS APRIL 1!
Much more information on pricing, payment and logistics are available when you click on the link, but a couple bullet points to get you started:
You must be a member of the NWTF to order, however you can join the NWTF to become eligible. Not a current member, click here to join https://your.nwtf.org/membership_drive/
Payment is not due when you order. Payment information to pay via credit or debit card will be sent once the seed ships (Late March / Early April).
The seed offered is determined by the manufacturer, not the NWTF.
Please share this link via email, text or social media to anyone that you think may be interested in ordering seed! It is vital that we meet the minimum order for this program to be successful and continue. Once again, NWTF membership is required to participate.
Please don't wait until the last minute to order! The VA State Chapter must pay for the seed regardless, so if the interest projected from the previous survey is not met, the VA State Chapter will take a significant financial loss.
And finally, please be patient! This is new to the coordinators and we are learning the program as we go. Many other states have enjoyed huge success and popularity with this program and we anticipate the same in VA moving forward.
Please click on the link to order:
A special "Thank You" goes out to Tim Burton and Cully McCurdy for driving to get this awesome program going here in Virginia! Questions can be directed to Cully McCurdy (District Biologist) at cmccurdy@nwtf.net or Tim Burton (Volunteer Coordinator) at tandkburton84@yahoo.com
Attention JAKES and Xtreme JAKES members, here’s your chance to put your writing and storytelling skills to work. Simply write a 500 word, or less, essay describing a hunting or outdoor experience you’ve had, and how it has affected your life. Entry deadline is December 3, 2021.
Include in “The Hunt” essay, what or who inspired the interest for the hunt. Has your interest been inspired by a JAKES event, 4-H shooting event or any other type of hunting and shooting event? If so, how? Please include what made that hunt special. The story can include more than one outdoor adventure.
Read MoreThe NWTF Conservation Surplus Seed Program is an annual offering coordinated by NWTF Headquarters that secures seeds directly from manufacturers at minimal cost to cover transportation and handling to be made available to our membership. The seed must be planted for wildlife/conservation purposes and harvesting or use for agricultural purposes or financial gain is strictly prohibited and a crime.
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